About us
Greetings from Community Action, Development, Liberative and Education (CANDLE) NGO , Pudukkottai-District, Tamil Nadu State, India.
CANDLE is a grass root level NGO registered under Indian Trust act, under Income tax department in section 80G and 12A for tax exemption, under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA) to receive Foreign Contributions, and in Government of India Niti Aayog (DARPAN) for Unique Identification and in CSR registration.

Promotion of all Capitals of Social, Human, Physical, Natural, Charitable and Economical in an integrated manner for sustainable livelihood
To improve the quality of life of the poorest of poors enable them to become equitable citizens in sustainable livelihood.

Empowering the poorest of poor and developing them on self sufficiency and sustainable measures.
Objectives of the Organisation
To develop and improve the life status of the Tribes, Dalits, Nomadic tribes, Quarry workers, Street garbage cleaning Scavengers, Shoe makers Arunthathiyar Dalits, Land less peasants, Small and Marginal farmers, Persons with disability (PWD) and Persons living with HIV/AIDS infections in all Socio Economic, Health, Cultural aspects, Education.
To form Self Help Groups (SHGs) for generating self – sufficiency
To provide training on leadership, skill development and awareness for youth and women
To render counseling and rehabilitation services for the persons living with HIV/AIDS, Cancer and Drug addiction
To implement environmental preservation activities Land and Water rights.
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To work for sustainable agriculture.
To promote low cost and indigenous sustainable farming practices and livestock promotion among small and marginal farmers.
To establish and run orphanages, homes and school for children to avoid drop outs and child labor and old age home elders.
To get Grants assistances from Government / Non – Governmental, Financial institutions in India and funding agencies from abroad for promoting Economic development and Charitable activities for target beneficiaries.